Robert Hamburger Papers, 1950-1992


Robert Hamburger Papers, 1950-1992

Papers of Robert N. Hamburger, UCSD professor of pediatrics and researcher in allergy andimmunology. Hamburger investigated the relationship between peptides and immunoglobulin E(IgE) antibodies and synthesized human IgE pentapeptide (HEPP), a substance shown toinhibit allergic response. Included in the collection are laboratory notebooks(1960-1984), extensive research files on Hamburger's allergy studies, correspondence, andFood and Drug Administration documents related to animal and human testing. Also includedare business files related to Allergy Peptide Company, Inc. (APCo, Inc.); Cytotech, Inc.;Immunetech, Inc.; Immunetech Research Partners; and Syntex Corporation, biotechnologyfirms that attempted to develop HEPP as a commercial product. The collection alsocontains biographical materials, writings, lectures, correspondence, and materialsrelated to Hamburger's involvement in professional organizations. The papers are arrangedin six series: 1) BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL, 2) RESEARCH MATERIAL, 3) WRITINGS BY HAMBURGER,4) WRITINGS OF OTHERS, 5) BIOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FIRMS, and 6) PROFESSIONALORGANIZATIONS.

10.20 linear feet; (27 archives boxes)



SNAC Resource ID: 6661807

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Hamburger, Robert N. (person)

American pediatrician and professor of pediatric medicine. Hamburger received a B.A. from the University of North Carolina in 1947 and an M.D. from Yale University in 1951. In 1964, Hamburger was appointed associate professor of pediatrics in the UCSD School of Medicine, and, from 1964-1969, he served as the school's Assistant Dean for Faculty and Curriculum Affairs. In 1969, Hamburger was appointed head of the school's Pediatric Immunology and Allergy Division. His investigation of immunoglobin...